“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”Romans 10:13-15 ( NIV )
We are a Christian mission organization focusing on church planting ministries primarily in the Asian regions. As a registered society under the Charities Act in Singapore, X-Pact ensures accountability in our practices. Currently, we have developed church planting partnerships in Nepal, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines and Myanmar. In Singapore, we also partner with associate ministries targeting Christian equipping work.

X-Pact embraces the call of our Lord Jesus Christ to go and make disciples of all nations through church planting ministries in unreached areas or people groups. Working primarily through strategic partnerships, X-Pact’s vision is encapsulated in our motto –
“Planting Able Churches Together with C(Ϫ)hrist”.
The mission of X-Pact is framed in our 3 P’s Model which expounds on the key guiding principles of our X-Pact’s work.

Plant Churches
X-Pact’s fundamental ministry is to establish communities of believers, and empower them to grow. The target is to plant able churches with potential for church multiplication. This can be pioneering work or with existing ministries which need help with its growth.

People Groups
X-Pact’s primary outreach focus is in areas or amongst people groups which are largely unreached. The target is to seek out areas where there are no churches or people groups which are neglected / rejected by other Christian communities.

X-Pact’s key strategy is to work in close co-operation with local and overseas Christian leaders and groups. The target is to establish partnership with like-minded Christians or groups with a heart and calling to plant churches amongst unreached people groups.

X-Pact Society is a faith organization. It is wholly dependent on contributions made by churches or individuals who share the same vision
& mission of X-Pact.